Memories of Another Time

Brett Wilcox
1 min readSep 2, 2020

Here are the desert grasses
Waving easterly in the Wyoming high-plateau breeze
Mid-summer snow-packed Teton peaks carving half the horizon
Light flashing gold purple wildflowers
And perfectly healthy colored sage.
It’s Warren Bridge freedom at the Green River stream —
Fisherman, rafting, antelope grazing
Borges poetry, metaphysics, Java server-side logic
Paneer tikka masala, almonds, plenty of water
And importantly, no distractions from iPhone bombardment.
Along with Isidoro Suárez
We will all someday be desert dust,
And glory —
Memories of another time.
I choose to be present here now
Alone in this serene, peaceful desert.
Hello to the world, and
Thank you for today.



Brett Wilcox

Brett Wilcox is the author of several children's books, a collection of poetry, and a novella.